
Human capital audit

Acquisitions are conventionally supported by comprehensive financial audits. Today companies acquire other companies not only to expand the product portfolio and reach complementary markets, but also the available human resources are increasingly seen as a strategic asset. Next to the determination of the purchase price, the integration of the employees within the strategy of the new company is an important issue and even a challenge. Anago makes the perfect analysis of the existing human resources in relation to market and strategy.

Team audit

The success of companies is closely related to the functioning of the management team. Not every group is a team! By means of a test battery, a detailed survey and individual feedback, Anago supports and facilitates the management team in identifying and formulating a strategy to grow as a team. So we are building a team where everyone is loyal and is considered to have the right skills.

Social audit

In an ideal company context, a group is a collection of individuals that strive for the same goal. The result however is not always in line with existing competences. The social climate, the match between colleagues, individual ambitions … are very crucial to benefit from a group. Through quantitative and qualitative surveys we map the pain points in a group, and give feedback to each individual about his social profile and how to improve this.  We help management to deal with the diversity of styles and persons in the team.

Consulting in three areas


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